Thursday, January 21, 2010

plain old girl

We all have our battles, our personal struggles. I am not unique. I am here to tell my story, to hopefully relate to those of you going through or having gone through similar situations. I am not a doctor. I am not a registered dietician or a nutritionist. I am just a plain old girl trying to muddle her way thru it all. I have learned that it is ok to talk about your colon and digestive tract. However, do proceed with caution…not everyone is there yet. Colons have become the topic of conversation at many dinner parties around here! (Perhaps it is true what they say of age). I have learned along the way that people want or need to talk about their intestinal issues, but just aren’t comfortable doing it. I am not suggesting that you throw it out there right after “please pass the potatoes…”. You may not be invited back… But, it is important to know and to recognize that you are not alone. I cannot stress the importance of seeking medical attention for the irregularities (to name a few): pain, bloating, frequency, urgency, lack of control, unintended weight loss, bleeding. ESPECIALLY blood. Please do not assume “it is just hemorrhoids”. At various points I will be sharing information about my medications, therapies, treatments and surgeries. I would like to stress that just because certain courses worked (or did not work) for me, it is not indicative of your response. I can only share my experiences. I urge you to consult with your medical professionals. Everybody is different. Everyone responds differently. There is a reason that IBD is such a difficult, baffling disease.

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