Sunday, March 21, 2010


I digressed. I was writing about autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s healthy tissues and cells attack themselves. It is an overreaction of the immune system. These good and healthy tissues and cells are considered to be harmful so the immune system in turn destroys them. Autoimmune diseases are generally treated with immunosuppressants. Unfortunately, these drugs may suppress your entire immune system, not simply the targeted cells. Ulcerative Colitis is an autoimmune disease in which the good cells in the colon are destroyed by themselves, causing inflammation and ulcerations.

The only “cure” for ulcerative colitis is removal of the entire colon. This was very confusing to me. I did not understand why they could not remove only the diseased portion of the colon. It was then explained to me that because ulcerative colitis is autoimmune, if only the diseased portion is removed the ulcerative colitis will then continue to attack the remaining colon. And we would be right back where we started. Suddenly, it all started to make sense…

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I apologize for my lack of posts recently. My husband and I took our boys down to Tampa for Yankees Spring Training. It was an absolute blast for the kids and even I thoroughly enjoyed myself. You do not have to be a huge baseball fan to be enamored with being so close to Derek Jeter. Need I say more?

Finding myself at a ballpark always proves to be a personal challenge. Enjoying the wafting smells of footlong hotdogs and hamburgers, french fries and blooming onions, cotton candy, peanuts, popcorn and Cracker Jacks, it is very difficult for me to keep my hands in my pockets. My boys swat at my hand as I beg for “just one fry”. They know I know better, but one doesn’t hurt. It is the next ten that seem to seal my fate. And off to the bathroom I go!

The first day is always the worst. I have to get it out of my system. Day 2 at the ballpark as I reflect upon the day before, I found myself taking a long walk around the stadium in search of a turkey sandwich…good old standby. Thank goodness for the sandwich stand. I was able to actually sit and watch the game! My point is there are alternatives and options for when you are eating or dining out (the hot pretzel looked pretty good too!). It is important to know your limitations and not deprive yourself entirely. Some call it self control or will power. Some days I just don’t have it in me, but most days I try really hard. My suggestion is to satisfy your senses while enjoying the aromas (and yes, they do smell better in the sun!). If that doesn’t work, grab some of those fries on the way out to enjoy in the privacy of your own home!